Work Here. Sparks Fly.

Correct: WELD

Incorrect: weld or Weld

Nashville Business Journal - July 2013

 The Internet has spoken.

Nashville beat out Austin, Houston, Colorado Springs and a bunch of other cities in a vote to determine where Weld will open its next location… 

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Dallas Observer - June 2013

Weld is a converted warehouse where a young man can nonchalantly scooter around while indie-instrumental music plays softly in the background…

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Design Milk - May 2012

WELD Unites Lonely Creatives: Working from home might sound like a dream but sometimes it’s really nice to have actual humans around and feel like you work with a team. Collaborative workspaces have been popping up more and more as telecommuting and freelancing becomes more popular. The perfect example of this is WELD. 



Tent Blogger - July 2012

You’d be tempted to call it a coworking spot and I’ve definitely visited tons of coworking places, especially in Atlanta, but this is different – you might even be tempted to say that it’s categorically different…  


PDN - Sepetember 2012

Weld is a new studio in Dallas, TX, designed to house independent photographers and artists, giving them a space to “recharge, connect with others and improve their craft within a community,”

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Dallas Morning News - May 2012

Weld is a chance to unite people who largely work alone but share a passion. 

Read More > - June 2012

Sure, there are perks to freelance life like flexible hours and the ability to work from home, but ask any honest independent creative professional and they’ll tell you there are downsides too. One of the biggest? Less daily opportunities for collaboration and interaction with like-minded peers…  

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